Low Carb & Grain Free Pizza!

Like a lot of people, pizza was one of the first things I had to cut out of my diet when I started to go grain free, and eat a (primarily) ketogenic diet. Loaded with carbs, heavy in lectins from the wheat flour, it was a killer on my gut and my waistline.

Until now! I’ve tried the commercial brands of “cauliflower crust” pizza’s. While some are good, they tend to miss the mark for me in being like a “traditional” pizza crust. And, for anyone who might have a food intolerance (E.g. grains, fructans, etc.), you have to be very careful to check the ingredients first as they may contain brown rice, onion and/or garlic.

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Champions to Help YOU Champion Your Body

Over the last year, I’ve devoted time to learn as much as I possibly could about improving my overall health from an array of different sources. These sources included friends, doctors, books, podcasts, YouTube videos, news articles, and of course….blogs. Before I dove in head first into something new, something so different than I had ever done before (especially something that goes against conventional wisdom) was to learn as much about it as I could, first!

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New Year. New Resolution.

We made it through the holidays and entered into the new year. Like a lot of people, I allowed myself some leniency on the diet. Had a few extra cookies, indulged into that slice of pie, perhaps I had an eggnog (or two….or three). And as to be expected, a few pounds accompanied these indulgences. Lucky for me, a great deal of these extra pounds were from water weight and came back off within a few days.

Although most of the food I ate from Thanksgiving to New Years were both keto friendly and lectin free, I had become a bit acclimated to consuming “more”. I ate and drank more than I normally would, and it started to become the new normal as I caved into the cravings. Again, although I was still eating clean(ish), I was still eating when I wasn’t really hungry. Consuming desserts and adult beverages, which most certainly threw me out of ketosis.

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Homemade Chocolate!!!

Who doesn’t love chocolate?  I love dark chocolate, but if you’re like me, I don’t like paying nearly $5 for a bar of natural dark chocolate.  

I’m going to show you how you can make your own dark chocolate, with any added ingredients you wish to make it your favorite flavor!  It’s easy and quick, you can be eating these bars in a matter of minutes!  (Video below)

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Almond Poppyseed Sweet Bread!

This is one of my very favorite things to have around.  It’s great as a breakfast, it’s great as a snack, it’s great as a dessert!  Warm or cold, butter or no butter, it really doesn’t matter….it’s that good!  Whenever I’ve been asked “What can you have on keto?” by skeptics, I’ll whip this up and serve them a slice hot out the oven, and I just sit back and let the food speak for itself.  Let’s get into the recipe so you too can enjoy this awesome treat!

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Going Keto? Here’s What You Need to Know First!

Many people are having great success with the Ketogenic Diet.  I have had great success myself!  My reasons do differ from many, from what I gather, but the results have been astounding, to say the least.  What people see is a thinner, fitter, version of my previous self.  I’ve been successful before with my attempts to lose weight and become toner, only to end up losing that muscle and gaining the weight back.  What’s so different this time?   It’s not about how I look, but how I feel that makes this so different from all my previous attempts.

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Cookie Dough Fat Bombs

OK, I’m going to be starting with these bad boys, because they are super delicious and easy to make!  


  • 1 stick of salted or unsalted butter 8oz (room temperature)
  • 1 packet of cream cheese 8oz (room temperature)
  • 1/2 cup all natural peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup of almond flour
  • 1/4 cup gold monkfruit extract (classic is fine too)
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp salt (don’t add salt if you used salted butter)
  • 4 packets of stevia
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
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