Champions to Help YOU Champion Your Body

Over the last year, I’ve devoted time to learn as much as I possibly could about improving my overall health from an array of different sources. These sources included friends, doctors, books, podcasts, YouTube videos, news articles, and of course….blogs. Before I dove in head first into something new, something so different than I had ever done before (especially something that goes against conventional wisdom) was to learn as much about it as I could, first!

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Going Keto? Here’s What You Need to Know First!

Many people are having great success with the Ketogenic Diet.  I have had great success myself!  My reasons do differ from many, from what I gather, but the results have been astounding, to say the least.  What people see is a thinner, fitter, version of my previous self.  I’ve been successful before with my attempts to lose weight and become toner, only to end up losing that muscle and gaining the weight back.  What’s so different this time?   It’s not about how I look, but how I feel that makes this so different from all my previous attempts.

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